
The book “Political cleavages and social inequalities” is out in French

April 1, 2021 |

Summary of “Political cleavages and social inequalities”     Who votes for whom and why? Why has growing inequality in many parts of the world


Political cleavages in Algeria, Iraq, and Turkey

March 26, 2021 |

Political Cleavages and Social Inequalities in Algeria, Iraq, and Turkey, 1990-2019 In this paper,  Lydia Assouad, Amory Gethin, Thomas Piketty and Juliet-Nil Uraz draw on


Political Cleavages in Latin America

March 26, 2021 |

Social Inequalities, Identity, and the Structure of Political Cleavages in Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru, 1952-2019 In this paper, Oscar Barrera, Ana


Political Cleavages and Social Inequalities in Japan

March 22, 2021 |

Political Cleavages and the Representation of Social Inequalities in Japan, 1953-2017 In this paper, Amory Gethin exploits political attitudes surveys conducted between 1953 and 2017


Democratization and Class Cleavages in Southeast Asia

March 15, 2021 |

Democratization and the Construction of Class Cleavages in Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia, 1992-2019   In this paper, Amory Gethin and Thanasak Jenmana analyze how democratization in


Political Cleavages in Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands and Switzerland

March 9, 2021 |

Party System Transformation and the Structure of Political Cleavages in Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands and Switzerland, 1967-2019    In this paper, Carmen Durrer de la


Politicization of Inequality in Brazil

March 5, 2021 |

Democracy and the Politicization of Inequality in Brazil, 1989-2018   In this paper, Amory Gethin and Marc Morgan analyse the transformation of electoral cleavages in Brazil since 1989


2020 Activity Report

March 1, 2021 |

  We are glad to share with you the World Inequality Lab 2020 activity report Overview Extension of the global inequality data to 173 countries, notably


Inequality, Identity & Political Cleavages in South Korea, Taiwan & Hong Kong

February 22, 2021 |

Inequality, Identity, and the Structure of Political Cleavages in South Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, 1996-2016 In this paper, Carmen Durrer de la Sota and Amory


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Website created in 2021 by the agency Adrenaline, with the collaboration of:

Project management and web design: Pauline Bouaud, Mathieu Vicard and Anthony Wieczorek

Development and integration: Aurélien Binauld, Thibaut Watteau and Benjamin Grillet (AliquidStudio)

Coordination: Lucas Chancel and Olivia Ronsain