On Tuesday 11 June 2024, the World Inequality Lab hosted a discussion at Paris School of Economics on the relation between inequality reduction and constitutional changes with:

Associate Professor, Law Department, University of Auckland

Author of Tyranny of Greed, Capitalism v. Democracy, La Charte des Oligarques.

Professor, Economic Department, Sciences Po Paris

Co-director, Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policies (LIEPP)’s “Evaluation of Democracy” research group

Research Fellow, Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR)

Professor of Economics at EHESS and at the Paris School of Economics

Co-director of the World Inequality Lab




  1. The Abolition of Class Government,” book chapter in The Constitution of Social Democracy (Alan Bogg, Jacob Rowbottom, and Alison Young, eds., Hart Publishing, 2020)
  2. The Democracy to which We Are Entitled: Human Rights and the Problem of Money in Politics,” 26 Harvard Human Rights Journal 39 (2013)
  3. The Oligarchs’ Charter,” Public Books (Columbia University), October 2020; La charte des oligarques, Le Vie des Idées (Collège de France), October 2020
  4. Corruption, Inequality, and Climate Change: Rethinking Election Law in the Twenty-First Century,” book chapter in Comparative Election Law (James Gardner, ed., Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022)
  5. Capitalism v. Democracy: Money in Politics and the Free Market Constitution (Stanford University Press, 2014)
  6. Tyranny of Greed: Trump, Corruption, and the Revolution to Come (Stanford University Press, 2020)

Free copies available on https://timkuhner.com/articles/



📅 Tuesday 11 June, 18:30 – 20:00

📍 Amphitheatre Daniel Cohen, Paris School of Economics, 48 Boulevard Jourdan, Paris 14e (in person, no livestream).


This event is part of the Equality Debates series organized by the World Inequality Lab. Equality Debates feature the presentation of new research around the theme of equality and inequality, followed by a discussion with the audience.



Alice Fauvel, Communications Manager: alice.fauvel@psemail.eu