
Income Inequality in Russia compared to Eastern Europe

10 novembre 2020 |

Income Inequality in Russia compared to Eastern Europe In this issue brief, Theresa Neef looks at the evolution of income inequality in Russia using the


What’s New About Income Inequality in Europe?

10 novembre 2020 |

What’s New About Income Inequality in Europe? In this issue brief, Marc Morgan and Theresa Neef look at the evolution of income inequality in Europe


What’s New About Income Inequality in Africa?

10 novembre 2020 |

What’s New About Income Inequality in Africa? In this issue brief, Anne-Sophie Robilliard provides insights into the magnitude and evolution of income inequality in Africa


Predistribution vs. Redistribution: Evidence from France and the U.S.

4 novembre 2020 |

Predistribution vs. Redistribution: Evidence from France and the U.S. In this paper, Antoine Bozio, Bertrand Garbinti, Jonathan Goupille-Lebret, Malka Guillot, and Thomas Piketty ask two


Trends in US Income and Wealth Inequality: Revising After the Revisionists

29 octobre 2020 |

Trends in US Income and Wealth Inequality: Revising After the Revisionists In this paper, Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman examine the claims made in recent studies,


The Rise of Income and Wealth Inequality in America

29 octobre 2020 |

The Rise of Income and Wealth Inequality in America: Evidence from Distributional Macroeconomic Accounts In this paper, Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman study inequality in America


“Vivement le socialisme !”, de Thomas Piketty

8 octobre 2020 |

Vivement le socialisme!, de Thomas Piketty, est un recueil de chroniques parues dans Le Monde (2016-2020) et publié aux éditions du Seuil en octobre 2020.


Why Is Europe More Equal Than the United States?

7 octobre 2020 |

Why Is Europe More Equal Than the United States? In this paper, Thomas Blanchet, Lucas Chancel, and Amory Gethin combine all available household surveys, income tax, and national accounts data


“Unsustainable Inequalities”, Lucas Chancel

6 octobre 2020 |

“Unsustainable Inequalities. Social Justice and the Environment”, by Lucas Chancel   Can we fight poverty and inequality while protecting the environment? These challenges are at


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Site web créé en 2021 par l'agence Adrénaline, avec la collaboration de :

Gestion de projet et conception web : Pauline Bouaud, Mathieu Vicard et Anthony Wieczorek

Développement et intégration : Aurélien Binauld, Thibaut Watteau et Benjamin Grillet (AliquidStudio).

Coordination : Lucas Chancel et Olivia Ronsain