
‘Political cleavages and social inequalities’ now available in Greek

4 juillet 2024 |

Who votes for whom and why? Why has growing inequality in many parts of the world not led to renewed class-based conflicts, and seems instead


Le début de la fin de la tripartition ? Élections européennes et inégalités sociales en France, 1994-2024

23 juin 2024 |

Le Rassemblent national est arrivé nettement en tête des élections européennes de 2024 en France. Comment ces résultats s’inscrivent-ils dans l’histoire électorale du pays ?


World Inequality Lab Receives Grant from Good Council for Redistribution

18 juin 2024 |

The Guter Rat für Rückverteilung (Good Council for Redistribution has awarded the World Inequality Lab (WIL) a grant of €640,000 to support our research efforts.


Taxing wealth: reporting requirements and enforcement are as important as the tax rates

10 juin 2024 |

Over the last decades, there has been extensive research on the behavioral responses to taxes. This empirically-grounded research is crucial for informing the public debate


Monopoly power drives wealth inequality in Australia

5 juin 2024 |

Recent decades have seen an increase in top wealth shares and an increase in market concentration in Australia. Are excessively concentrated markets inequitable as well


New Macro Update

3 juin 2024 |

What’s new in the World Inequality Database? The World Inequality Lab released its 2024 macro update with new series on: Update of the macro series


Wealth vs. income inequality: Dutch survey highlights public misconceptions

29 mai 2024 |

In most countries, the gap between the rich and poor is much larger when looking at wealth than when looking at income, leading to debates


Call for applications: The World Inequality Lab is looking for MSCA Postdoctoral Fellows

23 mai 2024 |

Are you a postdoctoral researcher working on inequality dynamics? Are you based outside of France and willing to expand your experience with a stay at


Proposals for a wealth tax package to tackle extreme inequalities in India

23 mai 2024 |

Debates on income and wealth inequality in India have gained significant momentum in recent weeks, partly following the release of our study “Income and Wealth


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Site web créé en 2021 par l'agence Adrénaline, avec la collaboration de :

Gestion de projet et conception web : Pauline Bouaud, Mathieu Vicard et Anthony Wieczorek

Développement et intégration : Aurélien Binauld, Thibaut Watteau et Benjamin Grillet (AliquidStudio).

Coordination : Lucas Chancel et Olivia Ronsain