Compare your income to that of African citizens
The income comparator has been extended to all African countries based on the work done by Lucas Chancel, Denis Cogneau, Amory Gethin and Alix
LireTop income shares for New Zealand extended to 2017
The series of top shares of fiscal income for New Zealand have been extended to 2017. The series have also been updated for 2016, due
LireERC Synergy Grant awarded to the project “Towards a System of Distributional National Accounts”
The World Inequality Lab is glad to announce that the project “Towards a System of Distributional National Accounts” has been awarded the ERC Synergy Grant
LireNew paper on income inequality in Africa, 1990-2017
This new paper by Lucas Chancel, Denis Cogneau, Amory Gethin and Alix Myczkowski makes a first cautious attempt to estimate the evolution of income inequality
LireParution de “Capital et idéologie”, de Thomas Piketty
“Toutes les sociétés humaines ont besoin de justifier leurs inégalités : il faut leur trouver des raisons, faute de quoi c’est l’ensemble de l’édifice
LireUpdate of macroeconomic aggregates to 2018 has updated its external data on macroeconomic aggregates: national accounts and price data, as well as population indicators, are now available for 2018.
LireNew paper on income inequality and ethnic cleavages in Malaysia, 1984-2014
This new paper by Muhammed Abdul Khalid and Li Yang documents the evolution of income inequality in Malaysia, not only at the national level (for
LireEighth Meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ)
From 3 to 5 July 2019, the World Inequality Lab hosted the Eighth Meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality (ECINEQ). This
LireNew paper on top incomes shares in the Netherlands
The new Working paper 2019/2, “Top Incomes, Income and Wealth Inequality in the Netherlands: The first 100 Years 1914–2014 – what’s next?” by Wiemer