
Newsletter | February 2021

11 février 2021 |

World Inequality Lab newsletter Editorial: The Covid crisis reinforces the need for tax justice In 2020, the global economy collapsed: GDP fell by 6.4% in the


Political Cleavages and Class Structures in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand

11 février 2021 |

Political Cleavages, Class Structures and the Politics of Old and New Minorities in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand 1963-2019   In this paper, Amory Gethin


Changing Party Systems, Socio-Economic Cleavages, and Nationalism in Northern Europe

4 février 2021 |

    In this paper, Clara Martínez-Toledano and Alice Sodano draw on a rich set of electoral surveys to explore the changing relationship between party support and


A Micro Perspective on r>g in Norway

29 janvier 2021 |

A Micro Perspective on r>g in Norway By exploiting large-scale administrative data on estimated gross and net personal wealth in Norway from 2010 to 2018,


A Wealth Tax for South Africa

20 janvier 2021 |

A Wealth Tax for South Africa   This paper, by Aroop Chatterjee, Léo Czajka and Amory Gethin considers the feasibility of implementing a progressive wealth


Wealth-Income Ratios in Switzerland

18 janvier 2021 |

A Safe Harbor: Wealth-Income Ratios in Switzerland over the 20th Century and the Role of Housing Prices     In this paper, Enea Baselgia and


Political Cleavages in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Ireland

18 janvier 2021 |

Historical Political Cleavages and Post-Crisis Transformations in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Ireland, 1953-2020   In this paper,  Luis Bauluz, Amory Gethin, Clara Martínez-Toledano and Marc


Homoploutia: Top Labor and Capital Incomes in the USA

7 janvier 2021 |

Homoploutia: Top Labor and Capital Incomes in the United States, 1950-2020 Homoploutia describes the situation in which the same people (homo) are wealthy (ploutia) in


Paraísos Fiscales, Wealth Taxation, and Mobility

21 décembre 2020 |

Paraísos Fiscales, Wealth Taxation, and Mobility   In this paper, David R. Agrawal, Dirk Foremny, and Clara Martínez-Toledano analyze the effect of wealth taxation on mobility


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Site web créé en 2021 par l'agence Adrénaline, avec la collaboration de :

Gestion de projet et conception web : Pauline Bouaud, Mathieu Vicard et Anthony Wieczorek

Développement et intégration : Aurélien Binauld, Thibaut Watteau et Benjamin Grillet (AliquidStudio).

Coordination : Lucas Chancel et Olivia Ronsain